Archive for heart of hearts


Posted in Poems with tags , , on March 31, 2013 by malshauntdelinarian

Time in this place
Slows down to a crawl
It dulls your senses
Till you feel nothing at all
Aaron sat still
Surrounded why white washed walls
Looking expressionless
At nothing at all
He was bored to tears
Had been here since the Fall
In the mental asylum
His soul felt raw
He didn’t need to be here
Autism was not a draw
That the people who ran the place
They took people like Greg McGraw
One of the ten
People he saw
Led into his room
Making Aaron guffaw
He thought with derision
At the man calling himself Mcgraw
A failure of a man
Was all that he saw
His mind was melted
Till he was hardly there at all
The worst of the ten
He made Aarons nerve rub raw
The man sickened him
The fucker really did appal
Blabbering like a retard
Making no sense at all
What the fuck was he doing here
Behind these god damn walls?
He never left this fucking room
Never wandered the halls
It was pissing him off
No small feat at all
But jesus fucking christ
He hated m Mcgraw
Then there was the doctor
If he was qualified to be called
Aaron thought with derision
He doubted that with what he saw
The white coat was dirty
H8s face had that raw
Tinge of madness
That grew familiar with them all
He lay down his head
Asleep he shall fall
Hoping in his heart of hearts
To never again see Mcgraw
He drifted away
The blessed blackness of sleep he saw
Laying his head down
In the room with whitewashed walls.


copyright © Adam Wells 2013